Dusty trails. Muddy trails. And sometimes, perfect trails.
The trail run and hiking bundle, based on the Gear Tote 35L, will keep your gear organized and ready for when the trails are calling.
Stowaway wet/dirty bag keeps dirty shoes and sweaty kit separate from the rest of your gear. A mesh pocket holds water bottles, hats, and glasses, while a medium gear cube holds food, sunblock, gloves and other small items. This leaves plenty of room for layers, running vests and belts, and poles.
Bundle Includes
- Gear Tote 35L: Organizes and protects your gear. Plenty of space for boots or up to two pairs of shoes, layers, hydration packs, poles, and more.
- Large mesh pocket: for gloves, hats, and other gear needing airflow.
- Medium gear cube: organize your food, first aid, headlamps, and other gear.
- Stowaway wet/dirty bag (SM): Stow dirty shoes or sweaty gear.